Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Blessings of Family History

Welcome, Ward Family History Co-chairs!

We are so excited for your calling! On behalf of the Stake Presidency and the Family History Committee, we welcome you aboard. Doing family history and experiencing the Spirit of Elijah can be one of the most exhilarating experiences of your life. Helping others just makes it better.

This blog has been created to help all of the YSAs in the Bountiful YSA Stake complete their callings. Come here for resources, lesson outlines, activity ideas, and more!

You are in for an amazing experience. Just take a look at the blessings you will receive as you fulfill your calling.

Ward Co-chair Responsibilities

As a ward family history co-chair, you may be wondering what your responsibilities are. If so, you are in the right place. You have five main areas of responsibility, as illustrated below.

Download this Illustrated Responsibilities Outline or the Written Version.
Also, here is an outline of responsibilities for your ward consultants.